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电话: 21-68818789
姓名: huaroshanghai
Huaruo (Shanghai) Industrial Co., Ltd.

  Huaruo (Shanghai) Industrial Co., Ltd , a new branch of Huaruo Industrial Group, is located in Shanghai Tower, Lujiazui international financial and trade zone. As a new member of Huaruo Industrial Group, the company mainly works as an import and export terminal of steel products and raw materials. We rely on Huaro worldwide supply chain and Shanghai seaport to introduce the most competitive & urgently-needed raw materials of metal industry and semi-finished products to Chinese market. In the mea

主要产品/业务: 钢铁

Huaruo (Shanghai) Industrial Co., Ltd. / 上海 / 6301, 63rd Floor, Shanghai Tower, Lujiazui Financial And Trade Z (200120) / 电话:21-68818789

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